wow! i found out that i spelled AWESOMe wrong

Jul 06, 2005 17:10

I spelled AWESOME wrong, thats how blonde I am but thats okay to be blonde cause then I wouldn't be! dude, i met this guy named Jake and he is STUDLY! heehehe, just kdding, hes just one of my buddies, i miss camp desoto. it wasn't the funniest year though in my cabin cause lets just say some of my cabin mates were mean, selfish, and cocky and i swear one girl in my cabin was like bisexual or something...i tried to stay very far away from her but thats okay becasue i didn't get attacked by her unlike some other unlucky citizens of the cabin. i wasn't really excepted in the cabin casue i did art and they bragged about how good they were at sports and well, actually only two girls did that. i could honestly say that they were very good at sports but they didn't need to brag about it... one time this little girl said to a girl that she was good at sports and one of the cocky girls yelled over to them (even though she wasn't inb the conversation) and said "yeah, alot of people say I'm good at sports too." i don't understand why people have to give them glory all the time, its disapionting but me and chloe are over here (at my house) and listening to Phantom of the Opera and Elliot Smith, i don't think she likes Elliot Smith but he rocks my FACE OFF! Anyway, you know in the Phantom of the Opera, i feel sooooooooooooooooooo sorry for the Phantom, he sooo should have won cause Rauol was stuck up and queer and looked like a ten year old fag. well, i must go cause i have a life, byeybye!
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