also,;jsessionid=TI0F2CCI0QUDUCRBAELCFEY?type=worldNews&storyID=6669731 furthermore, And if you believe that, Ahmed Chalabi has some oceanfront property in NV for you.
So far, in my neck of the woods, a series of posters/flyers have appeared on telephone poles, with buddhist- and anarchist- looking glyphs on the borders. The first one said "Don't vote, show up at westlake center on nov 2 and burn your voter registration cards!" The second poster to appear thus far features much the same layout, but this time the message is "Don't vote Kerry, write in Dennis Kuchinch! Show up at westlake center nov 2, vegan donuts provided."
Ah, those wacky republicans. Incidentally, I hold the belief that they're responsible for an (extremely large, but ultimately non-scary) computer virus I acquired while attempting to view a documentary film critical of fox new's "fair and balanced" schtick.
Vote Vegan Donut on Nov 2nd!