Mar 06, 2006 20:03
AMY is coming TOMORROW!!!! Okay.. had to get that out.. Also.. I unpacked my LAST box... Yes it feels WONDERFUL!!!!!! I just have empty boxes sitting around.. But that's okay because Ashley is coming to get them because she's moving too....
Hogan is FINALLY eating his dogfood.. Thanks to Lacy :o) .. He finally starved himself to death and took a few and I mean few bites... And he's a little greyhound so he's already skinny...the poor thing look anorexic...But he LOVES his new $1 chew toy ..
Well he leaves in FOUR days.. He's packing tonight.. I'm trying to keep myself busy so I won't pay attention to him packing..Wow.. It's finally starting to hit that he's really leaving...And I keep telling myself ..only 6 months.. But that's 180 + days... I"m not even going to say how many seconds....And I know that I will have stuff to do to keep me busy. And I've been through this before.. and people say well it's going to be ok.. Well that doesn't put him in my bed at night and that doesn't kiss me goodbye in the morning..and tell me houw much I'm loved.. and that doesn't listen to me and tell me that everything is going to be okay.... you know???
But enough sad stuff.. I hope that everyone had a great weekend...Enjoy your week!!!