Fund raiser for my Scouting son

Oct 23, 2006 22:51

OK folks, I know some of you know but figure most of you do not know that I have an "adopted son" and his name is Brian. He is the son of a very close friend of mine and I have been his father figure for over the last 6-8 years. I have him in Boy Scouts as he needs all the male interaction he can get. He lives at home with his Mom, sister his Mom's room mate and her daughter whom I also play Dad roll to.

Anyway, what I am getting to here is this. It is that time of year and Brian and his troop are selling White House ornaments. The are very nice looking ornaments and even the box is very elegant in it's own right.

Here is the Web Link so you can view the ornament.

The Cost is $17.00 dollars and $3.00 of this goes to Brian's "Scout account" This account helps Brian pay for many of his Scouting events and camping trips. And this is soo much less fatting then all the candy that the schools sell for their fund raisers.

If you are interested, please contact me of list and I will be happy to give you any more details.

Thank you all for your time and I return you back to your regularly schedule Beach Beat posts.

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