May 11, 2007 14:49
Listening to Clarity kind of makes me sad. Its lyrics are still idealized in my mind, just like they were five years ago. I still love it. It still makes me have that same lonely feeling.
I wonder, sometimes, that there may be something wrong with me. I wish I weren't so earnest sometimes.
Our black fish is probably pregnant. I've never seen a pregnant fish before. I'm kind of curious to see little fishy babies swimming around in the aquarium.
We're going to Disneyland in a few hours, and I sort of don't feel like going. Except for maybe if Bettina could come. I love Bettina. She always makes me feel so much better. Always. I feel like I need my best friend right now. I never do enough for her, either.
Sunday is Mother's Day, and I ought to do something nice for my mom. I have no money (it's all from her anyways) and I have no creative (cheap) ideas.
I just never do enough. Except for drugs. I always do enough drugs.
To remedy that, I think that I ought to do some homework.