В нашей фирме, включая финксий и эстонский офисы, работает порядка 100 человек.
Многие из них, к сожалению, владеют английским на уровне 1-2 класса начальной школы.
Я на протяжении нескольких месяцев плодотворно собирал коры, которые обнаруживались в официальных документах - спецификациях, баг репортах, базах данных и т.д.
Набрал сотню кор. Видимо этот список будет периодически пополняться. Коры девствены, всё приведено в оригинале.
1. PS: I have a vacation on next week, Vassili is back up me with this task, if it needs.
2. When i set 2 days in order as foreign bank holiday, system does not allocated payment with reason (from log) invesment value is null.
3. With other policyholder all printouts work ok
4. Could you provide this info to specs team that they change specification? And after reject defect.
5. CO (Kuljetus) can be dragged only below CGO with has type
6. Foreign bank holiday checkbox is exist and empty by default.
7. Please organize this testing also as soon as possible. If any problem then just call to me. Marko is available on Monday. Important is that you send information to me
8. tabs are able in Client Manager in non-client company's details
9. Create new client who non-client
10. Tomorrow 9:00 Vadim starts with new 3.7. release
11. Vasja ja Erik, i am going out now, send pls your result to me
12. parameter key for value 60,0 is not according specs
13. Please, provide also investment ID and agreement ID
14. where the investment is replaced by its substitutive investment, starting from end date + 1 and ending on the same date as the previous version
15. Base reserve does not get calculated in manual conversion when using 'Expressed in units'
16. Defect are very closed with defect #1302
17. Conversation money do not take into account for next operation
18. Make payments (i made one in yesterday, and one in today)
19. Defect still existing.
20. more details on this I will give separately
21. There needs to be possibility to enter payment level reference number
22. There should be created new methods (services)
23. To this new payment method relates also a printout
24. Printout is also possible to print as an Online
25. Finaly i tested task 'TU_656 Foreign bank holidays tab for Investmen'. And result not so good..
26. Accepted agreement where is investment will be allocated to fund X
27. Create in force pension agreement when policyholder company
28. If go to Process tab and see Process stoppers, both Money in and Money out stoppers are 'on'
29. I could reproduce it twice, next 5 attempt all works ok. Added logs. Hope it helps.
30. Completed health declaration request is appeared even HD is completed
31. I understand that workflow is not logic and set priority for this defect to Low (if you are not agree, change it), but why system gives opportunity to do it? and why not intuitive error message is appeared?
32. Sex field is able in Client Manager in non-client person's details.
33. Try to add Sex
34. Impossible open policy in aswas environment. Impossible create new offer.
35. Edit button is exist in old version of other roles
36. Create new manual conversion, when Agreement ID if original used sets as more than 15 symbols
37. Result: Savings tab is disable, impossible open it.
38. When you change person and start date for 'other roles', history does not saved.
39. Actual result: No history! Only last changes is saved. You can repeat steps many time and everytime only last change is displayed
40. Actual result: here is 2 Health declaration (one automatic created and one created manually)
41. It is really blocked testing
42. System does not make check payment was refund before or not.
43. Actual result: No error message. Accept is succeed.
44. But date in database is the same than when insured turns to 100 years
45. Expected result: Batch sets payment status to skipped with reason "Investment plan plan not ok, it has ended investment"
46. Risk payer can has 100% shares, saving policy payre can has 0%
47. 3.6.3 should be work in both environments
48. Checked in 3.7.012 - works not ok.
49. Problem seem to off
50. This defect desturbe testing task TU_842
51. Payment type editability in Payment handling not ok
52. See also bug 1010.
53. Fee free is exist in saving reallocation request
54. If go to Process tab and see Process stoppers, both Money in and Money out stoppers are 'on'
55. Tax row created for zero amount, and it shouldn't
56. Limited tax liability not working ok
57. Bug-meeting today: Is in progress by Aleksander this waits that the bug fixing in Claims comes to ready
58. and use possible user given tax percent, tax class, reduction info
59. Becouse must have taxation, making claim fails.
60. system don't refresh values
61. change maturity date so that it is after insured is turn to 90 old.
62. Now there is how many times in year payer should be paid in the year.
63. According the test, which client was made
64. According client, when these 2 steps was done and a user tried to take a new printout, there came an technical error.. neither system did not notified the parameter's end date
65. And has this rating parameter has anything to do with this matter?
66. Above Description of the bug don't belong in here
67. So far, in all spexes where is used word between it means inclusively
68. i can test the one nasty defect that this build was made then soon
69. The policy has to such that there are also other investment targets in policy with savings.
70. I not found in spec, what should be with already created invoices after ending payer.
71. Remember the reference number should be converted reference number
72. If that is wanted then there should be separate template for old persons- which there isn't.
73. This is case where for old policy is change payment methed as invoice list in the end of the year, after annual renewal is already done
74. Expected: Gross claim = Gross claim
75. With LFOUser rights, 'Edit agreement' button is passive in savings, payments and claims tab
76. I need that you after installing new build take some agreement as you make it during Sanity test and test it as usual. After it, provide 'somewhere' to me.
77. Direct debiting certificate - has payment's thats due date is too close.
78. But because of conversion, the tax card has acc amount is conversion moment.
79. For test automation it means that impossible to test claims with manual convertion at all due to impossible to create manual conversion and make claim in same day without using Time Travelling
80. With correct DB and DLLs all have to be work right.
81. There exists fund where are originally there is investment value for 1/1/2010 only
82. Vasja, ask next time in this window, it helps do not hesitate Heidi so often
83. User marks to surrender claim that the question is about transfer
84. In this case is expiration notification attachment so shouldn't have page number.
85. And in the field below it there should read "Mottagare", but now there still is "Mottagaren"
86. so it comes together with these in cases where one of those comes.
87. Current date or existing values date if in edit mode.
88. Cancel cancellation by selecting again cancel-button.
89. because Kohde where text is does not have own Turvа
90. now aktiatest should works
91. I mean cases where there is need to message, ehto, text or restriction to specific peril with all TOLs.
92. Universal ilmiö=0 have to implemented
93. Result: Script error is appeared
94. Easy to skip defect if after changing start date press 'enter'
95. Issue blockes AT running
96. Also if make agreement with insured 08/01/1947, but only one month back, payment is calculated and savings exist.
97. NB! Do not change any dates in calculation, use default dates which perform system
98. It would be good option to have also.
99. In our case the peril just should not be changed, but it is somewhy.
100. I took word probably away.