Feb 22, 2013 15:57
I have so many things I should do in the next hour or so that I don't want to do a single one of them. What causes that?
Anyway. A word or two on self-publication: I have now sold half again as many of Carried by the Tides through Lulu as I sold of Half-Sick of Shadows through Shadowfire Press. This sounds great if I don't put in actual numbers, so if you just want a place to stash your book where your friends can buy it, Lulu works. Otherwise, I'd strongly recommend the whole agent and big-press path if your book is big enough. Mine are small, so far, and Carried seemed to jinx small presses that were willing to look at a novella, so I figured if it was going to jinx another press it might as well be mine. Half-Sick, which evolved out of Eileen Loves Toby, should be going up soon, too, just to get it out of the house. Back in the fanfiction days, I discovered that nothing clogged the writing pipeline like having an unposted one-shot, and these two works are big ol' blockages on finishing the novel(s) I want to be working on. Boot, boot.
Other news: the kid is growing, chatting, and pitching fits about the oddest things. The dogs are dogs. The cat just got his claws trimmed. The husband is being a husband.