May 29, 2009 20:14
Well, I poked my nose into Terri's MWPP class, read pages 1, 6, and 7 (!!!) and apparently missed all the interesting stuffy by skipping like that. I did gather, however, that there's a fit of rudeness and a fit of touchiness going around. Nope, I refuse to consider it just rudeness. Bad posting habits exist, but it takes an offended party to make an offense. I blame impending exams.
I do, however, miss the good ol' days when a badly spelled, ungrammatical or otherwise bloody unreadable post was worth five points off the House total. It led to proofreading, which I think led to less off-the-cuff posting. Now you would have to write in Genuine Frontier Gibberish to lose those points.
I'm also amused that Carole felt the need to point out, "VV is not canon."
We hiked today, a mile uphill and then the mile back down again. The uphill took a while, as I'm not in nearly as good shape as I once was and there's rather more to haul up than there used to be. Downhill -- well, the steep bit was a little more exciting than I'd expected, but there was a handrail for that part. Next time, hiking boots instead of pretty good sneakers, I think. I'm tired but probably fitter, and now I've been to the top of Stone Mountain.
I have a track aging for Dustin and one for whichever puppy I can persuade to lie down outdoors today. That'll probably be Bruce. Wanda gets the game better but seems to be having a Bad Obedience Day. Bruce has learned to bang at the glass door to go out. Wanda has learned to open it, but not to nip out the gap, which is probably just as well. Alas, they don't just bang when they NEED to go out. They also like to bang when they're bored and see a bird or perhaps a really good ant. There's a post on puppy training on the new blogger blog and a picture of Wanda. I've decided she's a new designer breed: Fruit Dingo (one parent there is fruit bat).
No housework today. Too tired. Well, I ran the mower until it ran out of charge, which turned out to be about ten minutes because it hadn't been plugged in after the last go, but big whoop to that! Oh, and we took out garbage, which is worth mentioning because it included quite a lot of carpet and pad, and a good bit of the junk mail from the kitchen, too. That felt like accomplishing something.
A few more words have gone onto the barbarian story. I'm still a little stumped, and should probably just fall into that state of surrender where the characters take care of it for me. Bad things happen when I go and try to think. Spouse says the dialogue needs to be snappier to really fit the genre. I'm not sure how one snaps up existing dialogue but will try. I said something about the wizard-thief character and he fired back, "Who wants to steal a wizard?" Not sure if that'll fit in somewhere or not, but maybe it'll make me feel peppier if I think it while revising.
And coming full circle, now I have to think about the Marauder Six-Pack again. Maybe I'll write some more on that AU with Severus sorted Gryffindor. That was kind of fun, but I never could figure out what to do with Lily. For some reason a consciousness-raising group slipped in whenever I tried to get a seventh-year chapter, and they aren't exactly MNFF fare for some reason. Too, there were some years missing along the way. Hmm. Nobody's covered the MWPP formal cliche of one year, one chapter. People do it a lot. *considers offering Terri the TQ*