Snatched from
One word only, no explanations
1. Yourself: searching
2. Your Lover: nonexistent
3. Your Hair: impossible
4. Your Mother: strange
5. Your Father: stuck
6. Your Favorite Item: ring
7. Your Dream Last Night: sad
8. Your Favorite Drink: water
9. Your Dream Home: happy
10. The Room You Are In: cold
11. Your Pet: three
12. Who You Are Now: me
13. Who You Want to be in Ten Years: me
14. What You Want to be in Ten Years: upgrade
15. What You're Not: determined
16. Your Best Friend: precious
17. One of Your Wish list Items: laptop
18. Your Gender: female
19. The Last Thing You Did: type
20. What You Are Wearing: clothes
21. Your Favorite Weather: none
22. Your Favorite Book: *shrugs*
23. The Last Thing You Ate: apple
24. Your Life: continues
25. Your Mood: changes