So yea. Last night I went to play Airsoft, which just happens to be the WORLDS GREATEST PSUEDO-SPORT!! To help imagine, start with Paintball, but replace the shitty looking guns with 1:1 scale replicas of real weapons. Second, replace the paint balls themselves with plastic BBs. Next, replace those expensive CO2 cartridges with a battery powered electric motor.
As far as gameplay goes, it runs about the same as paintball. But its more immersive with the weapons, and hurts less. Still hurts, you just won't have huge ass welts.... Just small welts.
Also, maybe its just me, but as a first time player, the "gun nuts" were alot more welcoming than paintball people I've talked to. They were quick to answer any questions, freely offering up suggestions and advice, and were quite happy to let you check out and hold their (often heavily modified) advanced weapons.
I went to play with a guy from work(he's been into it awhile, owns his own gun) to a place called
Xtreme-Tactics which is to my knowledge the only airsoft place in the city. Its a pretty well thought out facility. Fairly cheap when you consider it too. For $18-$25(depending on the weapon you want) you get a full gear rental and 45 minutes of gameplay. Additionally, for $5 you can take any weapon, even guns you can't use during the actual game to their shooting range and shoot off 2 clips.
I'm pretty hooked and I've only been once. I had the hardest time in the world NOT ordering my own gun the second I got home. Maybe next paycheck :D