Vis Lunaris

Apr 10, 2020 12:30

This is a small LJ-based project. It's main goal is to add some beauty to daily life for the benefit of all living creatures. Sure enough, side goals are to figure out what constitutes a beauty, and what's it's place in life of an average working individual.
So, at the moment, commercial intentions are not even secondary goals.
As you might have seen, my diary is in russian. I started it as a form of letters to people I missed a lot while studying abroad. Hopefully, as project develops, there will be more english here. So far, please look for p.s. in english to many of the posts.

so, here we go:

/ .. One day there also will be illustrations, and objects will be grouped to new-archaic, tribute to the gods, dark medieval , red flapper and so groups . Then there will be a real website. :) p.s. I used domain for this website, it's free. If you want to check it out, follow the link. p.s. ...Все мы, живущие существа - лунные затмения... У каждого создания есть свое солнце и своя луна, у каждого солнца - свой свет и своя тень, у каждой луны свои затмения и приливы, свои поля, свои тени, свои имена, своя судьба - и все это и составляет реальный мир. ©Карлос Кастанеда


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