(no subject)

Oct 20, 2005 21:19

Repost this but tell the truth.
What have you done...
i told the truth... you should too...
1. smoked a cigarette - Yes.
2. smoked a cigar - No.
3. crashed a friends car- No.
4. stolen a car - He he....That got me into some trouble, though it was only my parents.
5. been in love - No.
6. been dumped - No.
7. taken shots of alcohol - A shot, no. A gulp of everclear will make you vomit though.
8. been fired - No.
9. been in a fist fight - Yes.
10. snuck out of a/your house - Again, with more trouble....
11. had feelings for someone who didn't have them back- Stupid Rhett.
12. been arrested - No.
13. made out with a stranger - Not a complete stranger, no.
14. gone on a blind date - No.
15. lied to a friend - Yes.
16. had a crush on a teacher- I think Coach Massingill is hott but an actual crush on a teacher at school, no.
18. seen someone die - Right in front of me, I don't think so.
19. been on a plane - Yes
20. danced in a bar - With myself.
22. miss someone right now - Unfortunately, yes.
23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - ::sigh:: yes.
24. made a snow angel - On numerous occasions
25. played dress up - All the time.
26. cheated while playing a game - I was very competitive when I was little and I still am to a certain extent
27. been lonely - Well, I am right now, so, I guess yes.
28. fallen asleep at work/school - School, yes, but not since the 6th grade have I been fully asleep and completely not there, but that os a long story and I won't go into that. I will say it has scarred me.
29. used a fake id - Not to get into a bar/club but other places,yes.
30. felt an earthquake- I don't think so.
31. touched a snake - Yes.
32. ran a red light - I really didn't have time to slow down, seriously.
33. had detention - I hate Mrs. Garza, Mrs. Shotwell, Mrs. Rogers, Mr. Carpenter, Mrs. Ortiz, etc.
34. been in a car accident - A few.
35. hated the way you look - ::sigh:: Yes.
37. been lost - lol. Sometimes being lost can be very fun. Infact, that is one was to meet new people.
38. been to the opposite side of the country - Yes.
39. felt like dying - Yes.
40. cried yourself to sleep - I used to every other weekend until I was 9.
41. played cops and robbers - I was always the robber.
42. karaoke - That can be fun.
43. done something you told yourself you wouldn't - Unfortunately, Yes.
44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - Diet Coke flying through your nose is very painful...
45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - Yes.
46. kissed in the rain - ::sigh::...yes.
47. sang in the shower - Everytime I get in.
48. made love in a park - No.
49. had a dream that you married someone - Yes.
51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - No but to a popscicle and it was very painful
52. worn the opposite sex's clothes - I went to the movies with my cousin briana and shannon and their friend Zara and we were all dressed like guys and even used the guys restroom (except Briana she is a party pooper.
53. Been a cheerleader- I ahve cheered people opn but not ever an official cheerleader.
54. sat on a roof top - Yes.
55. talked on the phone all night - ...memories
56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - Yes, I always need an arm, or two, maybe some lips.
57. played chicken fight - Yes.
58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - lol. Too many times...too many times. Once I was pushed into a pool with no clothes on. That was in Alabama.
59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger - I like compliments but
I blush like crazy
60. broken a bone - 17...18...21...I lost count.
61. had a 3-some? - Nope.
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