(no subject)

Mar 07, 2009 18:06

Meme thing!
You're supposed to post a comment and I'll respond with five things that I relate to you? I think? And then you post those five things in a journal entry and elaborate on what I could mean... and carry on the chain...

Uh, so these were Hyura's five things.

- Cosplay: So I guess this could be referring to the fact that HOLY CRAP I COSPLAY and that's kind of the common link we all had to start off with?
- Nurturing: I... I don't know, now I feel kind of bad. Jessie help!
- Your family: Is the shit? You met them a bit, my mom had miraculously cooked food that you could eat, there was airport ride happenings... and uh, I dunno, you came across as very quiet and sweet to them XD And uh, yeah, I'm extremely concerned with my family so... yes they are extremely related to me.
- Ryohei: EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shirtless boxing match. Fanime. Did I mention extrme?
- Pochiiiii: I LIVE NEAR IT, WE WENT THERE. Good times were had. And that was also the last thing we did together, which was sorta depressing and slightly awkward^.^;; . And uh, yeah, Pochi's, also the shit and often times will get me guilt-free rides home (except for when everyone ends up going back in Bellevue or something after and then I'm not close to home anymore -.-)
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