Dec 24, 2004 02:19
Fuck holiday whiteouts that make driving a bitch.
Fuck temperature of -13 degrees with the wind chill on christmas day.
Fuck the fact that Traverse City is the main shopping location for all over northern michigan. I don't like going to the mall in general. I especially don't like waiting for half an hour to leave the fucking parking lot.
Fuck Wal-Mart. No, that's it.
FUCK HALLMARK. Apparently, even though something like 50% of marriages end in divorce, hallmark doesn't think it necessary to create stepdad or stepmom cards. I am not about to start calling Tim my fucking dad, and how fucking dare you make me choose between the generic bullshit seasonal card and one that says "Dad." I hate you so much, and fuck you for actually making me have to think about this shit that I try so hard to completely ignore as much as possible.
Fuck my brother. This is a long one, but here goes. My brother has decided to be a selfish ass for christmas. Despite having blown $1400 worth of paychecks over the fall on stupid fucking shit like fucking decorative swords and knives, and despite having something like $500 in the bank right now, as well as getting a paycheck today, my brother has decided that right before Christmas would be the perfect moment to completely cease all spending whatsoever so he can save up money for a trip to Thailand to see his "girlfriend." So he isn't giving anyone anything for Christmas. And in exchange for giving himself the present of the money he would have spent on us, he expects us to get him either a)money for his trip, b)a laptop, or c)a portable dvd player with a tv tuner. That's right, after proclaiming that he's not getting anyone anything, he still has the nerve to actually expect us to still give him things(which we are, but that's not the point).
Now, it isn't the lack of a gift that angers me. It's his complete and utter disregard for others, and for the fucking season. Christmas really is a time for giving, and I fucking stand by that. I try to give whatever I have at christmas time, and usually i end up giving more. I'm going into debt just so I can have money to buy presents. But he can't even be bothered to spend a fucking minimal amount on each person to make sure they get something. I mean, it really is the thought that counts, and he's putting none in.
And it's not even just his fucked up priorities, it's what he's using as his excuse. As far as we can tell, he might not even be going on this trip. Because even though he's suddenly had this revelation that he needs to save his money, it's too little too late. He doesn't even have the money he needed for the price of a plane ticket a couple of months ago, and the price has gone up by at least $500 since then. By the time he can actually afford the first quoted price, who knows how much they'll be? Further, despite knowing that passports take a couple of months to be processed(but not due to any work of his own, he only knows because my dad found out for him), he still hasn't put in an application to get one for his trip in February. Further, what the fuck is he going to do in fucking Thailand? He knows shit about the culture or the country, and the trip won't help him learn or experience anything, because he *gasp* doesn't know the fucking language! So what is this trip for? To hang out with his girlfriend that he never even got to see while she was here because her parents didn't like him. That's it. He'll hang out with his girlfriend and her english-speaking exchange student groupies, and that's it, because she doesn't know the language or do anything else there either. So fuck, even if doing this does somehow miraculously help him actually get there, the trip is a fucking stupid idea that I'm not sure I'd want to help finanace if he asked me to. Which is probably why he didn't ask and just made it happen himself.
All these things aside, however, the thing that upsets me the most is the thought of how fucked up christmas is going to be because of this. I mean, my dad and grandma already know. So they're prepared. They're angry, but prepared. So christmas eve probably won't be ruined, hopefully...although i'm still curious as to whether my dad might still fucking go off on him, at least maybe before the festivities. But Christmas morning...holy fucking shit. I mean, my mom has no clue. At this point, she is going to find out on christmas morning, when it comes time to open presents, and she sees that no one has anything from todd, and in that instant, everything that that entails is going to come to light, at the instant that should be the happiest. How fucked up is that? My mom is all for not trying to ruin the occasion, but honestly, even her manners and civility can't withstand something like that. I'm prediciting major breakdown. And my brother will just sit there with this fucking stupid look on his face, completely incapable of understanding what's going on, while I'm forced to pick up the pieces, which, if you knew anything of my relation to my parents, fucking sucks, because I simply don't have that kind of relation with my mom. But I'm going to have to if I have any chance of preventing the day from turning completely to shit. I don't know, I could be worrying too much, but I doubt it.
And finally, fuck being home for the holidays. I love my family and all, but if christmas is the time for being with those you love, there are a hell of a lot of people that are going to be missing from that picture. And it really makes me sad. I miss you all so much, and you know who you are. And you'll understand why I have to specifically single out Heather for special mention, and not the rest of you. But yes. Heather. Considering how fucked up my christmas might turn out, I'm kind of starting to wish I had taken you up on your offer. I miss you. Anyway, I can't wait for the day when I can have the christmas i want to have, with the people i want to have it with.
Oh yeah, and fuck my grandma's fucking buick, which may be burning oil at such a fast rate as to prevent it from being a sensible idea for me to drive it home.
Merry fucking christmas, everyone.