JulyNo: Progress Report #3

Jul 30, 2010 18:25

Whee! It's Friday, payday, we had cakes at work and I'm about to go out with a friend and her family.

The other thing that has me in a really good mood is the fact that I just wrote a little over 2,700 words in less than an hour! Two nights ago, I got a new story idea just as I was climbing into bed. I wrote some of it down yesterday, but since I went to see Hamlet after work in one of the college gardens (it is being put on as part of the Shakespeare Festival), I only got just over 1,000 words written then. Between not getting up early either yesterday or today, this has put me behind quite badly.

But now it seems like I can't contain the creativity!!!
I love it when the plot bunny strikes. I can always pound out a ton of stuff really quickly then when I write down the idea. See, the thing is, something small can strike me and, when I sit down to write it down so that I don't forget it, it always expands and expands and expands... I think this idea now has close to 4,000 words to it and I'm still chomping at the bit to write more of it.
Inevitably stuff at the end contradicts stuff at the beginning, but in-between a whole new world has been created and come to life for me and can you tell I'm excited and in a bouncing mood at the moment? Look at that run-on sentence!

This is the best bit of writing, the actual creation of completely new characters and worlds. I'm having a blast and while I'll love spending time with my friend, I can hardly wait to get back and continue developing this idea. I should have no trouble getting a decent word count today!!!!

I'm most definitly on a writer's high.

Update: Okay, so I got back from dinner still feeling all creative and excited but, somehow, ended up deciding to work on putting down another, purely indulgent, idea I'd been toying with for the past week onto the computer. The next thing I know, it's midnight and I've written over 7,500 words on that!

Yes, you read that right. Today, despite it being a workday and me going out, I wrote a grand total of 10,283 words! This brings me up to 47,883 words for the month!!! And here I thought I'd be scrambling like mad tomorrow to make the 50k. Ha!

genre: fantasy, writing: original, writing: fan fiction

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