(no subject)

Aug 26, 2006 01:03

i just read my post from last year right before i left for college. its even worse now, because i know exactly how much im going to miss my friends. tonight i was such a mess. im seeing nicole next week, and i know after i leave her im going to be crying like no other. the thing is, with nicole, any time i wanted to see her last year, i would always just go up and see her, but it was SO hard having to leave at the end of the weekend. i know its bad to say, but honestly, my friends from home cant compare in any way to friends i have other places. they understand me and get me like no one else can.

i showed my friends a picture of me with nicole and kelsey and linoj from the first time we visited kelsey at niagara, and i said, this is what a real kirsten smile looks like.

nicole and i have never cried more in our entire lives then on the way home from niagara last october. we literally cried half the ride home.

in my post last year, right before i left, i talked about the same things im talking about now, but its so clear to me now how much nicole and kelsey really love me and care about me. this is what they wrote in response:

kelsey: "you are breaking my heart. i hope wednesday never comes, i dont want to go, and i dont want to say goodbye. i cant imagine you not living a 5 minute walk away from me. i cant say goodbye to the people that ive grown up with and become a young adult with. seriously kir, the love that i have for you and all of the girls could never be explained in words. ill never forget all of the times we've had and the places we've gone together. you are an intricate part of my life which wont go away just because we're starting college. i know our friendship will last beyond anything, and this is just a fork in the road.

i love you, and im so glad that we can spend the last few days together."

nicole: "OKay i cant compete with kelseys speech but..You dont understand how much i miss not seeing everyday.. Liek this summer has been filled with our stupid songs and just stupidness.. You are like a sister to me and i love you so much.. i kno i will stay in touch wiht you long after highschool when i am a famous millionaire teacher and you are a famous designer.. You just dont changes cause you are so special to me, and you really have been a HUGE part of my life."

i love those girls so much, and i dont know what im going to do without them for another school year. :*(
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