Feb 13, 2007 23:06
Just brief impressions....First off, greatly enjoyed the episode tonight. After last weeks episode I was starting to doubt whether or not I wanna keep watching the show...the mopery drove me nuts...although the actual mystery was nice and like many people I was happy with the preacher man that for once wasn't a phony. The LoVe stuff really got on my nerves though because they had such a great breakup at the end of the last mini-season, and it made sense, and it was mature, and then they ruined it all by getting back together without actually learning anything from it. such a waste. And then to break up over something so stupid...I totally had enough of that sort of nonsense with Friends, thank you very much. Anyway, so I really liked where they went with it in this episode. The little girl was a little cheesy but totally made up for it by being hilarious. After the show making me cry so much in the past week (I've been re-watching season 1....some of the stuff kinda hit a bit too close to home), it was really great to laugh out loud at it. They are of course making V look so much worse now what with the total Logan love-fest, but I really look forward to L being a bit less co-dependent and a bit more his own person. Thank you, little depressed girl! I honestly still am having a hard time caring about Dean Seven Deadly Sins, or who killed him, and this coach is even less interesting, but I am willing to see where it goes. Also, what was the deal with the flirting and the pretty jailbird? Are they setting up for a romance plot with him? If so, then why?! Whatever happened to Piz? Not that I am a P/V shipper, far from it, but still, is he getting phased out? And why is it that the writers can't stand to see V single. Give the girl a break! She clearly doesn't want to be in a relationship. And that's fine! If she really is that oversexed then I am sure Leo is up for a booty call. Gah. Also, Dick rocks as usual. The scene at the beginning with him tricking L was priceless. I'm not sure where they are going with the whole marriage thing but its funny and totally Dick, so I'll take it. Overall I'm glad I watched it. Yay.
In unrelated news, I loved Studio 60 last night. Great episode, even if the pills plot is lame.