
Jul 23, 2008 14:50

I'm bored. Not just a small amount bored, but like REALLY REALLY bored. My co-worker and I are both playing this fun game that is similar to Bejewled. It's on some travel website. I've made it already to the 8th level. Go Me!

Nothing really new to report on as far as the house. We are waiting for the addendums to be posted so Darin and I can go sign them. After that, we get the water turned on. Then the home inspection begins. If that passes, then we have our realitor notify the sellers and we wait to go sign the deed at the Title company. Once that happens, the place is OURS!!! Our realitor believes that this will be in about 10-14 days! I CAN NOT WAIT!!!

The one secretary here at work is saving me boxes, so I can start bringing them home and slowly packing some crap away. I wanted to do that yesterday, but only got to cleaning the breakfast bar area. Hopefully tonight, since there is nothing planned I can get to that. We shall see.

I really wish I had more to talk about, but sadly I don't. There's nothing else going on right now. I still haven't heard anything on that job I interviewed for last week. The director, Tim, is on vacation this week. Plus things around here move at a slow pace. I think it was almost a month after he interviewed people for the last job he hired before anything was announced and those who interviewed were informed. Ugh, I hope it doesn't take that long to just find out. I did however get my yearly raise, so yippie. It wasn't much, but I'll take what I can get. At least my review was good. Can't complain about that.

Well, hope all is well with everyone. As soon as more news on the house comes available, I'll be sure to post!
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