Repost: Not going to Summerstar( group camping trip)

Jun 17, 2006 01:03

Ok so I'm not going to summerstar. There are a couple reason for this.
1. I don't have the funding.
2. I haven't been practicing suriously.(This is changing)
3. I haven't been doing well around big groups of people. At least big groups that I don't know.

So I still have th at weekend off which is July 20-24.
I am setting up a camping trip. Anyone that would like to go is invited. Including children. The place that I would like to go has 6 tent sites. And sits on a trail head on Mt. loop Hiway past Granite Falls.
I would like this to be a pagan outing. I will be doing some mediation stuff by myself. And would like to get more people and organize some other stuff.
This is to replace summerstar for me.
If this is something that you are interested in let me know. Nothing is solid yet. Except the date. If there are more people that want go. Than there is room for. Then I can change the location.
I will be posting more about this in the future.
I am going to look at the site next week. Wed and Thurs. To make sure it is still fits the needs of what I want to do. I haven't been there in about 6 years.
Anyway let me know if this something you are interested in.

Update: Going next saturday with some people up to site to make sure it is ok for the amout of people that going. I has been about 5 years since I've been there so I want to make sure that it is as I remember it.
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