Jan 24, 2005 22:54
I took some time off from everything (school, rents, Randolph, and Mainly work) to a ski trip for the weekend @ Sunday River with some friends. The ride sucked going up there because we couldn't find this house we rented. Mind you this is in the middle of fucking no where deep in the woods of Maine @ 3am. I can say the air up there is easy breathing none of this pollution filled air in Randolph. The fun started in the am....jumped in the hot tub @ 4am any expose hair froze and it was like 15 below and we were chillin in the hot tub outside. haha Halo 2 tournament the whole weekend. The most hilarious part of the trip was when we were trying to cook up some burgers but the grill outside was fucked up from the snow and we were looking for an alternative. We found a small grill inside....Marc was so happy he went to move it and dropped that shit on the floor and broke it (in a couple of parts). lmao You had to be there to be laughin and we superglued it back together. It was a fun time at Sunday River.....took some lessons then off to the green courses, took a couple runs to get use to it but I only fell to stop myself from hitting trees on the side (promised my boss @ CSC I wouldn't hit any) well not really i was just going down too quick and the only quick way was to fall. hehe I can't forget when Dave wiped out on a green course (easy course) tumbled 3 times and his ski's and stick went four different directions plus he took a couple shots of smiroff before skiing....thats drunk skiing for u. Then we visited 4 out of the 8 peaks and it was damn ass cold up there....snow froze on my eye brows (windy as all hell) it was a bit scary and tiring. The ride back with Lana was fun and fast....the highway was still covered with some snow. It was either boozing, video games, sleeping, or hot tub @ night. It was a fun weekend and lucky I didn't have school today cuz of the snow. =) I think thats it.
Qoute of the weekend:
"Can we stop acting like bitches and ski?" - DQ