Dear V6,
for 14years you were MADE IN JAPAN to make MUSIC FOR THE PEOPLE... your mesage was always "Believe your smile" and "Be Yourself!" but you show us also your "Ai no Melody" (=Lovemelody) and Spirit ...
Even if everybody was critical at your debut because of the GENERATION GAP between Coming and 20th Century, you always show us your "Precious Love" between each other... no other Johnny's group has this family feeling like you .... and that's really "Ai nanda" (=that's love). It was not always a EASY SHOW TIME for you all... but you're still Believe in V6... "Life goes on"...
Until today when you perform near to other artist you all still think that you are not GOOD ENOUGH to be a star. But this isn't true! Everybody of you is a "Hard Luck Hero".
You've show us how be become strong ("Tsuyoku nare") and we all want to CHANGE THE WORLD with you ^-^ "Can do! Can go!"
I DON'T FORGET everything you've done for us fans... we laugh with you... we cry with you... together with you we're the Rainbow =)
Please don't stop to show us your way of life which is still a hard Voyager....
You TAKE ME US HIGHER to a Wonderful world ^-^ Everyday you make it for us to a Good Day!!
Please go on with V6 many years again and don't stop your mission: "I GIVE A SMILE TO YOU"
I'll always love you V6 <3 V6 ga daisuki!!!!
Happy 14th Anniversary ^-^ The countdown to 15years have start today <3 Let's UTAO-UTAO (=sing a song): "Arigatou no uta" ^^