Seriously, people? This isn't funny.

Oct 27, 2009 20:03

Gang Rape at San Francisco high school dance

Quoted from the linked article, with bolded words being mine:

"Based on witness statements and suspect statements, and also physical evidence, we know that she was raped by at least four suspects committing multiple sex acts," [Lt. Mark Gagan] said.

Investigators said as many as 15 people, all males, stood around watching the assault, but did not call police or help the victim, a 15-year-old student at Richmond High School in suburban San Francisco.

"As people announced over time that this was going on, more people came to see, and some actually participated," Gagan said.

Bastards. Miserable, miserable bastards! What the hell have we come to in this society that now we consider it ok to point and laugh at a teenage girl being raped, or even participate in that girl's violation? Are we that sick as a society? Are we as men so thoroughly debauched, so caught up in our delusions of our "natural" place over women that we don't even consider calling the police, let alone acting ourselves to stop horrors like that? Are we that full of contempt for the women whose bodies give us life, whose minds push us to be better than we think we can be, and whose hearts are filled with unconditional love for us despite the wrong we do them that we think it's ok to laugh at and even participate in their defilement?

To anyone who thinks it's ok to point and laugh at a girl getting raped:

You're the reason a lot of women, particularly feminists, have come to hate men. The act of laughing at a girl getting raped is testimony to your belief that somehow it is perfectly natural to violate another human being for your own satisfaction. It is testimony to your contempt for women, your apparent vision of them as merely tools to be used for your own pleasure and gratification. By trying to defend the indefensible act of rape and the indefensible act of standing by and doing nothing --- or worse, treating it as entertainment, or even worse, joining in --- you have irrevocably outed yourselves as part of the culture of sexualized, gendered violence towards and humiliation of women, and you are nothing more than filth that should be scrubbed off the shoe of the human race post-haste.

I award bastards like you no points. You have made us all spiritually, culturally, morally less as a society, and may God have mercy on you pieces of garbage on the day you choose to act on your sick logic, because there are plenty of people, myself among them, who won't.

rape isn't funny

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