Mother's Day

Sep 18, 2008 10:54

Title: Mother's Day
Author: V5_Vendetta
Fandom: Teen Titans
Disclaimer: DC's, not mine.
Characters: Mar'i Grayson, Donna Troy, mentions of Dick Grayson/Koriand'r
Rating: PG
Summary: Mar'i visits Donna on a sad day for them both, and they find comfort in each other.
A/N: A very late submission for Mother's Day. Hope no one takes it too hard.

Mar’i walked to the edge of the rooftop, letting her dainty golden toes hang over that edge. Was she going to . . . ? No. It wouldn’t be possible; it would take more than a fall from this height to kill her. Besides, it wasn’t death she wanted, even though she had contemplated it more than once, if only for the chance to see her mother again.

But then Dad would be lonely, and Mommy would never forgive me, she thought.

Then she remembered. Mother’s Day wasn’t a bad day just for her, but for all the mothers who had lost their children. She even knew someone like that, her parents’ best friend Donna Troy. She barely remembered, but she’d had a son, wouldn’t be much older than her if he’d lived. Mar’i briefly sniffled; she’d have liked to remember more about the boy.

Her mind made up, she leaned forward and let herself fall over the edge. It only took her a mere second before she took flight, soaring toward Donna’s apartment like a purple bullet. While Donna’s apartment was on the other side of the borough, Mar’i’s flight speed ensured that it didn’t take her very long to reach it. Once there, she tapped the window.

Donna had been just looking over old photos of her Titans when she heard a tapping on the window. She gently sat down the photobook and walked over to the window, finding Mar’i floating outside. It never ceased to amaze - and pain - her how much Mar’i resembled Kory, but unlike the girl’s father, she would not completely cut the girl out of her life. She opened the window, allowing Mar’i to glide inside.

“Hi, Mar’i,” Donna greeted.

“Could you tell me . . . a story?” Mar’i asked.

“Sure. About what?”

“My mommy and daddy. I ask Dad to tell stories about him and her, but he just looks away and doesn’t say anything.”

Donna pulled Mar’i into a hug, sensing the pain in the smaller girl’s voice. “Sure. I’ll tell you a story about them.”

She sat on the bed, letting Mar’i sit on her lap. “There once was a beautiful warrior princess from the land of Tamaran who had to go away with some bad men to save her family. Those bad men spent years hurting her and giving her to men that would hurt her, too, but she stayed strong and when she gained the power to escape, she escaped. She came to a small blue world called Earth, where she met six strange and noble warriors.”

“Who were those warriors?” Mar’i asked.

“These warriors were led by a prince who carried on his breast the crest of his parents, the Robin. Beside him was a warrior named the Flash, for he could move faster than the wind, a princess named Troy from a land of warrior women, a man named Stone whose armor was fused to his body, a jovial changeling named Logan, and a mysterious woman named Raven who could see into people’s hearts. These warriors from the blue world befriended the warrior princess from Tamaran, and named her Starfire. Starfire fell in love with the warrior-prince called Robin and he with her, but it took him so much time to admit it to her, while she showered him with love, love that he finally returned when he was faced with the chance of living without her.

“Even though forces threatened to tear the Robin and the Starfire apart, they would always find their way back to each other. Finally, they swore on a sacred ring that they would never be apart again, and they lived . . . happily . . . ever after.”

Mar’i hugged Donna. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Mar’i,” Donna whispered.

Mar’i looked up at Donna. “Are you crying?”

“Yes,” Donna admitted. “I miss her, too, Mar’i.”

“It’s ok,” Mar’i said, hugging Donna somewhat tighter, nestling her head in the crook of Donna’s neck. “Happy Mother’s Day.”

donna troy, mar'i grayson

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