In the Beginning . . . (Roy/Cass)

Jan 25, 2008 16:18

Title: In the Beginning . . .
Author: V5_Vendetta
Fandom: Outsiders
Disclaimer: DC's, not mine.
Pairing/Characters: Roy Harper/Cassandra Cain, Grace Choi/Anissa "Thunder" Pierce, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake
Rating: PG-13
Summary: How did Roy and Cass become a couple? Let's show the beginning . . .
A/N: Happy Birthday, Greeneyelove.

It all started when he’d been visiting his best friend Dick Grayson in Gotham City. Dick was living in Bludhaven at the time, but was visiting his younger brother Tim Drake. While dropping by to see how Tim and Dick were doing, Roy got the surprise of his life.

That surprise was none other than a petite, dark-haired girl in black exercise gear, wiping the floor with both Dick and Tim. Judging by how easily she was doing it, this had to be Cassandra Cain, the martial arts wunderkind who had taken up the mantle of Batman. He whistled in appreciation; women who could kick his ass had always been a weakness of his.

“Uh, hi, Roy,” Dick greeted upon spotting him.

“Hi,” Roy answered.

Throughout the entire time he stayed, Roy’s eyes constantly returned to Cass. Every movement she made was a line in an ongoing poem. And she could kick his ass. But what really drew him to her were her eyes, those beautiful green-brown eyes that betrayed a soul far older and yet far younger than her body would suggest.

When he finally had to leave, he swore to himself that one way or another, he would see Cassandra Cain again.

When he found out that Cass had joined Batman’s Outsiders, he was full of consternation. After what Slade had put her through, not to mention her abandonment at the hands of Batman and company, Roy knew she needed a friend. And the Outsiders, unfortunately, had never been about friendship.

Thus, he dropped by, ostensibly to see how Grace and Thunder were doing. Neither woman was fooled for an instant. “You’re here for Batgirl, aren’t you?” Grace remarked.

“What gave me away?” Roy asked sardonically.

“The fact that you didn’t show up until after Batgirl joined,” Thunder replied with a smirk.

“Heh, got me there,” Roy replied. “Where is she?”

“In the gym,” Thunder replied.

“How’s Bats treating you guys?” Roy asked.

“He’s an asshole,” Grace replied. “But what else is new?”

“That’s Batman for you,” Roy remarked. Just before he left, he added, “Nice seeing you again.”

Roy found Cass in the training room, garbed in her Batgirl costume minus the mask and the cape and repeatedly battering a punching bag. “Hey,” he greeted.

“Hey,” Cass answered.

“How are you doing?” Roy asked.

“Fine,” Cass answered.

“You sure?”


“I mean, if you want to talk . . .”


“Could I spar with you, then?”


Fifteen seconds later, Roy had landed on his ass, put there by Cassandra Cain herself.


Roy got up. “Sure. Not like I’m done yet.”

Ten more seconds later, Roy was once again on his ass.


Roy obeyed once again, rising to his feet. “You know, I think you could use a friend.”

Cass didn’t answer.

“Just think about it.”

What Roy didn’t know at the time was that Cass was thinking about it. She was thinking about it quite heavily.

cassandra cain, roy harper

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