Second Sight (Cass/Rose, PG-15)

May 31, 2007 22:32

Title: Second Sight
Fandom: Teen Titans/Batman
Disclaimer: DC's, not mine.
Pairing: Cassandra Cain/Rose Wilson
Rating: PG-15 (for non-explicit but still sexual content)
Summary: Cass and Rose come together, with some help from Big Brothers.
Notes: For Greeneyelove's Give Cass Some Loving challenge.

Joey Wilson and Dick Grayson, alias Jericho and Nightwing, were on the rooftop of what was once Titans Tower in New York City. Both were in costume, Joey in his armored shirt and purple pants and Dick in his reinforced black-and-blue body-glove and vaguely birdlike black mask.

“You wanted to talk?” Dick asked.

Joey nodded.

“I’m here. You have my undivided attention.”

Joey smiled and began to sign. As he signed, Dick read what he was saying through his signs. His eyes widened beneath the mask. “You want us to do what?”

Joey continued signing. Rose is lonely. Friends won’t do it. Even I won’t be able to help her with this. But Cassandra can.

“You sure? All their encounters so far have been antagonistic.”

Only because during those encounters, my father was using one against the other, Joey answered in sign.

Dick pondered. Rose and Cass? Maybe it would be a good idea. Maybe it would be what Cass needed to feel like she belonged somewhere . . . and Rose was looking for the same thing, so . . .

“All right. Let’s do it.”

That was how, about a year after that fateful meeting between Joey and Dick, Rose Wilson found herself sharing a bed with Cassandra Cain, just like she’d been doing for the past three months. It had taken a month after their first date-slash-friendly meeting for Rose to decide that she really did want to see the former Batgirl again. A few weeks later, they were kissing. It wasn’t the first kiss for either Rose or Cass, but it might have been the best kiss either one of them had ever had.

A couple of months after that, Rose decided that she wanted to see what Cass looked like naked. She was probably beautiful, beautiful in that way that scars only added to, and she knew Cass had scars. That was just what happened when someone had David Cain for a father and Batman for a mentor. Of course, that was also what happened when someone had Deathstroke for both a father and a mentor. Not that he wants anything to do with me anymore, or ever did, she mused bitterly.

A week after that, they had progressed to passionate necking and dry-humping. Somehow, it was fun to do that sort of thing in costume, but with their masks off. Skintight armor, particularly on Cass, was a turn-on. Kevlar-Nomex weave topped with slick black leather, clinging to her body . . . it made Rose want to do very dirty things to Cass.

She had good memories of that one night just six months ago, when Cass had pinned her to a vent access and kissed her. Rose had responded eagerly, grinding herself against Cass’s thigh. Cass had let out a low, gentle moan into the kiss, stoking Rose’s passions further.

In all the time between then and three months ago, they had never seen each other naked. Nearly naked, of course; they had started living together and thus they would see each other come out of the shower with towels wrapped around their bodies. They were intimate enough that they weren’t uncomfortable seeing each other in underwear, but as for full-on nudity . . .

That started three months ago, when they had been sparring. Cass was fast; Rose sometimes forgot how fast, but she was reminded by a swift sweep of Cass’s leg that sent her crashing to the ground. Cass took that opportunity to pin her. Rose looked up into Cass’s eyes, seeing a look of smoldering passion in them. She knew, right then and there, that this night would be different from the others.

Rose smiled at Cass, making her intent clear. Cass leaned down and kissed Rose with a passionate ferocity that would have frightened someone else. Didn’t frighten Rose, though; seeing that passion awakened in Cass after everything she’d been through was a joy to her.

In the present, Cass stirred in Rose’s arms, smiling at her. “Good morning.”

“Morning,” Rose answered, kissing Cass and rolling them around so that she was on top. Cass let out a low purr, arching into Rose’s body.

In the window of their loft, the rising sun heralded a good day, and to Rose, it was a good day because of Cass. To Cass, it was a good day because of Rose. Today was a good day for them both.

joey wilson, rose wilson, cassandra cain, dick grayson

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