Jan 19, 2006 15:01
I hope that all my little nerdfriends enjoyed Steve's Tot party. I wish that I didn't have to work full time so that I could have been there to be enjoy. ;3 But alas, I do. But hopefully I'll be doing what I love to do as an interpreter. Allow me to fill you with updates and cottage cheese:
Rochester is in desperate need of interpreters. We are the largest Deaf city per capita in the world and NTID is the best college to attend for the Deaf. That being said, you can find jobs being an interpreter with an associates degree and a higher talent level. Luckily, I've been an ASL dork and have tried to practice every moment that I can, and I am even teaching people what I know in my spare time. (LOL When is that?) I have a lot of self-doubt when it comes to my skill level, but I was able to understand everything that Rita and Michael would talk about in class. Right, right anyway - so you can find interpreting jobs for Elementary school kids, which is totally the level that I'm at xD
I got a call from a woman named Terry Conrad over in the Westview commons telling me that I had three students: Two in Churchville and one in Brockport. Churchville Elementary is about a five minute WALK from me, and Brockport Elementary is about a 10 minute drive. If one of the interpreters call in sick, I am to be the substitute. If things work out for the rest of the school year, they might be able to place me. I'll have my associates degree come May, and hopefully a job. God, that would be great. Then I could finish the last two years up at NTID at night, using my job as a skills coach towards my classes. If I get a contract for the student, I might not need to finish my degree program and just continue with learning more ASL. It depends. But this is a step in the direction I want to go.
I might go back and finish up my teaching program, too. I'll have the time once I've been placed in my interpreting job and then I could be an adjucnt ASL professor or something. Or teach lessons privatly. I love language, and teaching - so we'll see where it takes me. RSD (Rochester School for the Deaf) may be in need of an art teacher. Wouldn't that beat all? I get to use ASL, teach and work with art. That'd be so hot.
My first day interpreting is on Thursday the 26th. I'll be negotiating pay rates. Lol Oh please, it's better than Cooper. If they could assure me at least two or three days a week, I could quit my job. That's how much it pays. Isn't that sick? The down side: No more Halo shirts and baggy jeans. I've got to go get some respectable looking clothing. Vomit. They don't have anything cute and professional for fatties. They look like tarps or something equally unflattering. Honestly, do I need to be a sign language art teacher fashion model for the fat? Dieting only works so fast here, folks. In the mean time, I'd like some cute fatty clothing.
Speaking of the diet, I've lost 23 pounds so far. I am going to step up my work-out with a personal trainer next week. I know, I'm so spoiled. My friend Ron used to be a personal trainer for the Army (or some division of the armed forces, I'm not sure) and he's developing a good carb/bad carb diet for me and a good work-out. I'm excited. I've been good on my serving sizes and stuff. I had a half a cup of wild rice yesterday instead of two bowls worth. I add a little bit of good carbs in with my food to help with the break-down process. I probably eat about 20g of good carbs a day, which is low but seems to be working well. Better than stuffing my face with bacon and steak. x_x -shiver-
Okay, okay That's it. Get lost kids, you're buggin' me. ;3 Lawl Oh wait, I lied - has anyone heard the band Draco and the Malfoys? So ridiculously shitty but their songs are so stuck in my head. Kill me now. :D