There's a certain chill to the air and solidity to my breath in the morning which signifies one thing: Fall is here. It's about time in my book. Summer was pretty long and hard considering I didn't get a break at all, and the one time I have a week off work, it's for my own wedding. Safe to say, I'm beginning to feel a little burned out.
However, with the onset of Fall comes a spark of hope. Fall will definitely be relaxing, no matter how crazy things get in the ward, I have one thing to look forward to: our honeymoon in Japan/S. Korea. Tbh, we still have toooons of planning to do, since no hotels have been booked, nor our boat down procrastination is starting to rear its ugly head.
I find it funny that I'm having a difficult time to dress nowadays. It's freezing in the morning (Literally it was 0C or 32F), but by the daytime, the sun (should it decide to grace us with its presence) warms things up quite nicely and if I wear a thick sweater or coat, I'm sweating by the afternoon. Then again it's cold in the evening if I have to leave for a night shift. So I'm thoroughly confused...hence the scatterbrainedness of this post.
Other great things about Fall? Well, in Finland, I suppose the national symbol of Fall is the mushroom. Being a fungi lover myself (only if it's edible) I'm quite happy with this. Seeing mushrooms growing wildly in my backyard is something really great. I'd love to go out and pick them, but knowing my luck, it'd be the first and LAST time I'd ever eat that mushroom. Eero told me that Finns have a saying: "All mushroom are edible; just, some of them are only edible once" makes perfect sense.
These happen to be one of those "just once edible" mushrooms, but they're sooooo cute!
What really gets me going for Fall (besides Thanksgiving...yayy) is PUMPKIN!! Passionate for Pumpkin, I say /nerdy glasses adjustment. I really miss pumpkin season back home, eating pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin chili, pumpkin pasta, pumpkin soup, and best of all pumpkin ale. None of these things you can find here, and if you want to buy puree, you're gonna have to shell out 4.50€ a can (WTFF). Or then if you want to buy a tiny pumpkin to carve (or make your own puree) you can spend somewhere around 6€ per kg and still wonder what possessed you to buy such a thing. Oh yes, the thought of pumpkin curry warming my entire body. I guess some extravagant purchases are necessary...and worth it.
By the way, if any of you have ever loved me, or thought good thoughts towards or about me, and live back Stateside, you'll send these to bulk:
I stoled this picture from
corydrane Sankyuu!! (I'll also add these to my wishlist that no one gaff about)