Yeah it's about bloody time. It looks like I am going to be moving into a 4 bedroom house with a basement in downtown Denver with a few good friends
Ina Minx (who is also my current bandmate),
Jermaine (who is the bass player for a pretty well respected band here called
The Machine Gun Blues who just r0ck), and this other guy named Jeff who does a pretty good Glen Danzig impresion. It should be quite the house of debauchery considering we all love to get naked at random moments. Finally...people who love to be naked as much as me! If only I had someone like Spiggy to torment. It's werid being around people who don't mind my naked breakdancing. but yeah this place is pretty cool and it's 5 minutes away from cool shit. I really wanted to get this creepy house we looked at that was built in 1905. It had a much bigger basement and a little more character...but everyone is set on this one house. Oh well. I still need to get a job, although there is a record label out here that I might work for as a second job once I find something that will pay me more than my unemployment checks.
Oh yeah...
Les Hell On Heels is officially my favorite chick band. My friend Jonny Stilleto told me about them and we went and checked them out the other night and these ladies r0cked. We ended up getting drunk with them after the show to the point that I had to carry Mr. Drunky McGlampants (Jonny) to my car. These girls were really cool though and want to do a show with us the next time they are in town. They'll be at the Sidebar Tavern in Baltimore on the 14th, so check them out if you are out that way.