Apr 25, 2006 01:04
With that being said. This has always been something I was wanting to get involved in. I am not trying to downplay other causes like Breast Cancer or AIDS but this touches closer to home for Mark and I. His aunt, our best friend's mother, and another relative of Mark all have MS. We've wanted to get involved in the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) for a while and I believe this is our chance now to do it.
The ride is on June 24th and 25th.
I ranges from 35 to 175 miles depending on what you want to do. There are 3 routes on the first day and you are not locked into riding for both days you can just opt to ride the first.
The registration fee is only $30 and you have to raise a minimum of ONLY $300.
The reason I say ONLY $300 is that I have been involved in numerous other organizations that require that you raise thousands of dollars as a minimum. This does not mean that I am only going to raise $300. This means that once I meet that requirement I am guaranteed to participate in the ride.
The ride starts in Maple Park the first day and day 1 concludes at NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY!!! That's right kids I'm sleeping in my apartment!!!
Day 2 will start in DeKalb at NIU and end back in Maple Park.
I strongly encourage people who want to get involved to join us and our team so that we may be able to help one another along for training and just to keep in touch.
If you know of anyone who wants to get involved or even just donate please let me know.