Well, based on responses to my last question, I guess its good to see I'm not the only crazy one.
In unrelated news: I hurt. I've been getting into rock climbing... bouldering to be specific, and each time I go, I ache for days after. Of course I suppose thats only natural after hanging from a 40 degree overhanging wall for three hours. I've only been going for three weeks now, and with the recovery time, I only go once a week, but I thoroughly enjoy it. Aside from the discovering new muscles in my back by the sharp pain they emit the next several days.
Work has been pretty busy... the home market is supposedly "down" but I've been busier than ever. I'm constantly out taking photos on new listings, setting up all the marketing, and to top it off, all our listings seem to go under contract within a couple weeks! If you want to see some of my camera work, check out the listings page at
www.bobandleslie.comI'm fairly proud of most of my work... especially when compared to much of what I've seen on other agent listings. I've been thinking about getting into photography, theres quite a bit to learn when you really get into it, but it seems to be the closest I get to anything artistic these days. I recently did some photo shoots for a friend involving girls and a motorcycle... much fun, but I'm more used to working with things that don't move, I'm just not fast enough to catch the perfect shots with actual people. Regardless, it still turned out pretty good.
On yet another completely unrelated note, theres been much talk between my roommate and I about going skydiving. At this point, its been a month, and its still just talk, but I'm sure we'll do it sometime this year... I hope.
Speaking of plans and such, I'm planning to go see The Mars Volta coming up on the 14th. Anyone wanna come with?