Apr 27, 2005 01:05
ok, so entry... lots of things to cover... lets start with the most recent.
tonight was supposed to be a good night... it started out as such. I went to the mars volta concert and it kicked much ass... up till the point that two guys near me got kicked out for smoking illicit substances. this would be fine by me except right after they were out, the staffer turned to me and said "you too." well, long story short, I sat there arguing, the two guilty parties high tailed it. The staffer claimed a man told her that we were over there smoking, and pointed to an obviously drunk and belligerent man. Finally the cops came over, I sat there talking with them for a good twenty minutes, in which time they claimed the staffer was the one who saw the group of us there. I'm rather upset over first, being accused of smoking marijuana, and second, missing what was left of the concert. Finally the officers told me there was nothing they could do for my situation and told me my only real option was to leave. If I tried to come back in I could be charged with trespassing, but that was about it... he also told me that if it was any consolation, that there was only 15 more minutes left of the show.
oh well, what I did see of the concert kicked ass.
anywho.. since I've neglected this, lets delve back into the past weekend as well. Friday night I ended up driving down to Missouri City to hang out with people I've not seen in forever, and a few I hadnt met in person. I had a blast, ended up staying the night. I also come to find out that friends groups that I had once thought were fairly separate were in fact not. Crazy when you find out how many people end up knowing each other.
From there, I came home long enough on saturday to shower and such, before heading out again with other friends to go gambling in Louisiana. Was a quite enjoyable experience. Came back with 40 less than I left with, which really isnt bad for a weekend of fun. Especially when gambling.
So yeah, updated.