The unwillingness of Congress to accept the expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts for the top 2% earners favored by more than 60% of voters underscores that collectively Congress does not represent its People. Instead congresspersons are attuned to the interests of a tiny affluent elite funding election campaigns. According to the
Center for Responsive Politics, 67% of contributions in the 2012 election cycle toward federal candidates, parties or PACs came from less than 0.5% of the adult US population! We cannot expect Congress to act on behalf of the ordinary people, as opposed to wealthy campaign backers, lobbyists and their corporate clients, until we institute campaign finance reform which puts ordinary people at the center of the congresspersons’ attention.
Whereas the constitutional amendment declaring that corporations are not people and money is not speech may be a long way off, we can act now by supporting the
American Anti-Corruption Act. If implemented, it will empower ordinary Americans to participate in campaign funding by creating an annual $100 tax rebate that can be used for contributions to federal candidates. It will close the revolving door, limit super PAC and lobbyist contributions, mandate full transparency and prohibit members of congress from soliciting money from special interest groups.