Jun 05, 2004 20:55
Welcome once again people I bring to you another exciting ill friday (late) but hey its here I apologize for not posting it on the normal ill friday which is on friday (hence the name ill fridays) lol well sit back and enjoy.
Today on ill friday Bullet calls the house of Tempest and discovers HE IS READY FOR ACTION but Narad niggah must prepare for the adventure ahead. Bullet ends the convo and prepares himself as well but takes longer than expected because he watches television (curse the television). Finally Bullet is ready for the adventure of WATCHING THE HARRY POTTER Prisoner of Azkaban (after the long anticipation). The movie is hill as to be expected our heroes watch the movie with much excitement (especially the part with the Jamaican head eeeeehhiaght) After the movie our heroes return to the house of Tempest and play a few matches of the BROS YES FOLKS THE BROS and they have a tree the heroes include NARAD NIGGAH, Tempest, and Bullet (hill match) as the match goes on Tempest gets his usual two cents but redirects it at NARAD NIGGAH!!! Bullet is suddenly blinded by the infamous TWINKLE that we have all grown to love and enjoy. Tempest and Narad have a battle not one battle BUT TWO the first one being an ok match with the weird noises and all while they played but in the second match lets just say this it was one for the books folks. AFTER THE MATCHES NARAD niggah was READY TO HORDER Tempest and Bullet are expecting the hordering to take place at the hizza but it was to no avail because Narad had other plans he stated "We shall go to the DOMIMINOES" Tempest and Bullet are shocked. Then they willingly agree with excitement then as the pizza's are being eaten at the house of Tempest the Dragonball gt is watched (one tape worth at least) but then quickly things change into Tempest and Bullet fighting a match in the bros then NARAD NIGGAH ENTERS AS WELL FOR THE ACTION (OHHHHH!!! THE HILL TREE HOLY CHIT) will our heroes have a successful ill friday will Bullet clear up his money all this and more on the next exciting episode of ill fridays. CLA CLA CLA CLA CLASE CLASE CLASE GRAND SLIDE UNDERPANTS YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED CLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CLAAAA CLASS CLASE CLASE CLASS.
Oh yes and by the way Bullet clears up his money issue on Sunday Sunday Someday (but really does clear it up on that day). Our heroes have a successful ill friday with many more in the future to occur (chances of having an iller one are VERY HIGH). Until next time eat your nintendo cereal and if you don't want it thats because the fun don't start TILL THE MILK GET UP IN THERE!! Drive safely 1.