
May 31, 2006 00:39

Well my people wassup I'm back its been about a year since I last posted alot of different things have happened. Just sit back and relax and let the good times roll but before that allow me to reintroduce myself THEY CALL ME "Bullet" and now on to the show.

Alright well first off I went back to stop & shop for awhile until things got out of hand basically too much drama and honestly since I quit a second time I feel so much better I feel like a weight has been lifted from my body I sleep better now and I just feel relieved. Before I left I had about 700 bucks in the bank from tax returns I then invested that money in a new company I work for Herbalife Nutrition the company specializes in selling nutrition to people that need it. Its very competitive business but if you stick to it I think you can get far in this business I believe I can do it which why I spent 300 dollars to start off and trained for about 7-9 days learning basic material and more about the products. I lost a good amount of weight since I started on the weightloss program I feel great I never dreamed my weight would be at 214 I lost a total of 13 1/2 pounds in only a month and a half. Well enough about that now on to more pressing matters to be more specific school its going good the only thing that sucks is I'm not graduating when I was supposed to mainly cause I fucked around too much. The thing that sucks the most is I don't even know if I'm gonna have a good job in multimedia when I finish school in september career services pretty much gave up on me all together and what makes things worse is the multimedia market isn't hot. I don't want to end up putting my education to waste by working at a job that pays 8 dollars an hour its a really big waste of money if I do that, if I was gonna do that I wouldn't have even gone to college. Things really suck my mom is constantly stretched cause we got bills up the ass car payments, insurance, cable, credit cards, Rent you name it. The real reason why I went into business myself is so I can earn alot of money and wipe all of my mother's debt thats all I really want to do nothing else matters she gave me life and I love and respect her alot sometimes I think she doesn't know how much I really do care. I do what I can but I wish I could do more my next effort is to try and get a day job and continue doing my business on the side making me have two sources of income anything to help my mom. I wish I could with snap of my fingers take care of all my mother's financial trouble and get her that dream house shes always wanted so she can be stress free and enjoy what life has to offer. One personnel note my family has been pressuring me alot lately to get a girlfriend I do want one but only when the right one comes along other than that I wanna stay solo. I think the main reason I haven't attempted to hook up with another girl is because too many rejections yeah I should just let it go and keep trying because if I don't I'm not gonna get anywhere. The main problem is that alot of girls don't get to know you they just judge you on how you act around your friends or how you look overall I notice alot of times when I go out with people I get looks but then I get to shy to say anything then I get clowned on. To be honest when I'm interested in something I do it no matter what I am very courageous when I want to be but I don't know I'm going to bed goodnight I feel a little better that I got this off my chest.
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