Hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas!
I love winter!
Oh winter break, you never cease to remind me of WHY we don't all live under the same roof (=▽=;). Dear bro: stop going missing (read: out with friends) for days at a time and not answer your cellphone. You're an adult MY ASS. Okay, it's not that bad. I love my family and am really grateful to be with them over break.
In the meantime, I've been working for my aunt (not like I'm being paid tho :P). So busy busy busy~ But also big wops of goof off time too, so fun~
Because all the cool kids are doing it:
Copy and paste the first line/lines of the first post of each month this year. That'll be your review for the year.
"Thanks for this year everyone!! Best of wishes to you all!!"
"ahhh why aren't there more people that draw Ryo!? (=□=;)" (there still aren't that many!)
"A meme I think everyone'll want to try :D"
"Hiiiiiiii!!! Ayck I missed you guys!! (;_;) " (oh shit, forgot this happened this year...)
"Everybody in shinnxstellar, crossed_destiny, asukirashinn, asu_meer, shinncaga, shinn_love, aushinn I'M SO SORRY IF I SPAMMED or KILLED YOUR FRIENDS PAGE!! (x_x;)"
"You know, I once wrote somewhere that I don’t want my illness to define me, and now I totally wish that" (darn, I never knew you could tell my mood so clearly (^^;))
"Does anybody know how IP adresses work?"
"Please be safe everyone...."
"A legend to many...."
"American colleges : Be as stupid as you can be (==;)" (I figured out a better one: "American colleges : Be as stupid as you can be, but have fun while you're at it")
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY aku_neko_5!!and sorry, late again, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY echizenryuma!!" (only 1 post in November? (・・))
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY teletha!!"
And there you have it (^▽-)
Conclusion: Post more often to at least get more variation in entries! _〆(・▽・ )♪
And I found an iconmaker meme so iconmakers, want to try it? XD:
Where do you post your icons?:
Do you make more icons for personal use or sharing?:
What genres do you make icons for?:
What genre/fandom do you make the most icons for?:
What genre/fandom do you make the least number of icons for?:
What programs do you use?:
Do you participate in icontests?:
If you do, which ones do you participate in?:
What's your opinion of icontests?:
Have you ever had your icons stolen?:
Have you ever had your icon style stolen?:
Have you ever been accused of stealing icons?:
Which is your favorite icon?:
Which is your least favorite icon?:
Which is your most technical icon?:
Who's your favorite icon maker?: