The biggest 12 months of my life

Oct 23, 2011 00:27

I am about to embark on a massive 12 months, so I thought I would 1) try to keep track of it all somehow, 2) join some communities that might be able to help me get through it all and 3) try to make the most of it by giving myself a space to put everything into words so I can reflect.
The list is:
1. Now-March: Work through workplace training and assessing (TAE) for TAFE
2. Now-June: Improve Russian
3. December: Buy our first house.
4. March: Start Master of History
5. June-September: Teach English in Siberia
I plan to follow the guidelines laid out by Tolstoy. Everyday, plan an achievable goal for the next day and reflect on the current days successes. Keep it positive, and always be looking for opportunities for improvement.
Today, I worked pretty much all day (15 hours) and achieved all that I set out to achieve as far as work goes. I am definitely letting things around the house slide, although Glen doesn't mind. We also managed to grad a few quality moments today, which I am happy about :) I am thankful that we never seem to lack for closeness.
Tomorrow I would like to 1) Feedback on EEWC homework for the girls, 2) Start working on EE Module 5, 3) Clean the fridge, cook some pumpkin soup and iron some shirts, 4) Take a break for a couple of hours and just chill out!!! Perhaps I could do some reading for pleasure rather than work!!
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