It's taken me forever to finish books lately. I just can't concentrate enough... I find it frustrating. XD
I managed to finish 'Lolita' after a month, and the thing is, it's a really good book, but man sometimes it's very slow and rather disturbing so I would leave it for weeks on end.
I'm nearly done with 'Snow White and the seven samurais' which is also great, and fun... but it started to feel too long half way through and I started to leave it too.
But well, I hope the phase passes. I wrote a little, a few stories and now I'm out of ideas.
Work has been mostly dead all this week. But I've finally managed to save it. I'll stay at Montes, and I'll move to Torre Diana at the beginning of July, and I'll only have to go to the other really far away place very ocassionally. So that's good. My boss called me today to see if she can introduce me to the whole team, so for that I'll go tomorrow to Tecnoparque.
Other than that, there's not much to say. My boyfriend has classes the next two weekends, so I'll only see him a little while on Friday and another little while on Sunday. It'll be a tough couple of weekends for us. XD
On other random notes I've raelized my brain is not so stupid. I was talking to my boyfriend last week and (you all probaly know this) I blurt out words and phrases in another language, it's just a trait, it happens normally in me, but most people get thrown off for a sec. He's grown used to it, so I was talking, I forgot the word I wanted in Spanish so my brain blurted out 'niente'. And then I looked at him and asked 'That's Italian, right?' He had no idea, and I had the doubt for the rest of the way. I was sure it sounded Italian, but with the way my brain has been confusing Portuguese and French I thought I might have it wrong (specially since I don't really know Italian, I just know random words). For a moment there I even thought I had produced German... anyway, I checked, and it's Italian. Which tells me 2 things. 1) I should trust my language instincts more often, they are not usually wrong. 2) My brain is truly wired to pick up languages because I don't know where I picked that from. Probably just heard it somewhere, like half the words I learn.
And that makes me very happy. :D One of the little joys of my life is learning languages, even if it's just picking random words here and there from difficult languages that I can't relate to. Or actually understanding full sentences of languages that sound like mine. I recently found an Italian CD from my dad (I was looking for it like crazy and I couldn't find it) because it has a song I really like. I copied it to my iPod, started listening to other songs and I'm really glad to realize every now and then I'll actually get a full sentence (doesn't happen often still). And it's just making me want to finish Portuguese sooner so I can switch to German and Italian. And then on to Arabic, Russian, Swedish and so on... my list never ends. For all I know, I'll study languages all my life. And the thing is... the thought makes me happy. Makes me even happier when someone I love tells me they'll join in the language craze.
I just wanted to write about it. There's no point to the post other than me saying how much I love languages.