I'm starting to believe I'll never retire

Oct 08, 2015 12:00

And not because I don't want to or won't be able to, just for the fact that I get way too bored when I have nothing to do. XD
Since mid-september work at the office slowed down (it slowed down to the point a turtle is way faster than work) so I've basically had nothing to do. Yeah I get a few things here and there, an article or a few pages to translate, which takes up 2 hours top... out of the 10 I'm at the office (minus 2 counting lunch)... and I'm climbing up the walls now for something to do. XD
And suddenly, my brain remembered that I joined a group of volunteer translators at Cafebabel almost a year ago. I was looking for a job back then, and the prospect of doing translations for free wasn't of interest to me, I joined but I never contributed. Now I'm so very glad I joined in, because I can contribute with free translations (which I don't mind doing if I have nothing else to do anyway), and it'll be a great curricular value, since it's working in magazine translations, of various different topics, and who knows, it might look well on my CV for future endeavours.
So I'm doing that now, and I'm happier. :D

My boyfriend has started a post-graduate degree, so that means that one weekend a month I'll only see him Sunday afternoons. It's difficult because we don't see each other at all during the week, so missing one whole weekend gets us, but we know is just once a month and is just for a year, so we're working with that new routine. He had his first class last Saturday, so we only saw each other Sunday, this weekend is for ourselves, and next weekend I'll only see him Sunday afternoon. We'll see how we can work out the commuting and all. His school is near his home, all the way to the North of the capital, in the State of Mexico, and my home is all the way to the South. XD So yeah, I might be doing the 1 hour and a half commute on Sundays he has class to catch up with him.

This weekend we have tickets to see 'La Llorona' in Xhochimilco, it's a representation of a legend here in Mexico, about a ghost woman who roams the streen looking for the children she lost. It's famous and they do it every year in the canals of Xhochimilco, but I've never been able to go. Tickets were on sale this year, so we got them! I'l also see if I can go to the book fair at the city centre. UK is the guest this years, so there might be something interesting.

My portuguese is not advancing much, I did mention at the beginning of the year I was the worst self-learner ever, and I haven't done much progress. I can read a little and understand a little. I can't talk at all. Yet. I was thinking of doing classes, but I really need my work schedule to be cut down, or sacrifice all my Saturday mornings. I was thinking of waiting until the end of this year to decide. I can't start classes now since the trimester has already started, and then is Christmas and all. So I'll wait.

On the Book challenge:
'The Shepherd's Crown' was a completer roller coaster, I cried in the end, I reviewed it very subjectively, so don't trust my review on that one. I'm also going to cheat a little (well, that's a say, it was a 50 book challenge and I've read 59 so far, so it's ok), and I'll include 'The Shepherd's Crown' in two entries: Book published this year and Book that made you cry. My reasons: 1) I don't have the money to buy another book published this year, those books are expensive, and unless I really, really want it, I wait until they are cheaper. 2) Books I really, really want are in English, it takes more than 6 months for them to reach Mexico at affordable prices in English anyway. 3) I never cry with books, it's going to take me years to find another that makes me cry. So yeah, the Pratchett one will have to do for both.

As for the rest of the challenge. I'm only missing two more books. One with an author with my initials, which I found and I'm almost done, I'm reading 'The book of souls' by Glenn Cooper (different order, but same initials), and I'm only missing a Book set in high school, and for that I'll read 'Another'. And I'm done, well in time to cram in more books before the year ends.

work, books

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