May I present you... a cactus with a bright pink flower!

Apr 15, 2013 12:15

Ok so, more than half a year ago, our gardener brought me this mini cactus because I asked him if he had one with flowers (I had bought one, but it's your regular cactus: thin, long... but no flowers). And so he came with a small rounded one and a tiny blossom on top, he said if I put water on it on a regular basis, a flower will eventually bloom.
But, me being me I forgot to water it and the bloom fell off. I would put water on it every three weeks or so, when I remembered, the good thing about cactus is that even if they don't get water they won't die (which makes it about the only plant I can keep, the other ones will die under my watch eventually). So I thought that since I didn't water it, it'll never blossom into anything and I was fine with it. I really suck at caring for plants.
But... my mom has been watering all her garden now that heat season is here, and she's been watering my cactus. And so, about three months ago, another blossom appeared. I thought it would give out a small flower (and I was imagining it red for a reason).
But the blossom started to grow, and grow and grow... and it seemed it wouldn't stop growing, I was convinced it was going to keep growing legs and walk off or something. Here's what it looked like (I should also say that, every time my mom put water in it, the thing would grow like 5 centimeters in one night, so it grew fast).

But no flower came out. I stopped thinking about it and yesterday morning it was like in the picture. I went to my piano concert trial and then I called Daniel to see if he could pick me up at home and grab a bite, because he had called earlier to see if I wanted to watch some movies and I said yes, but I had the piano thing first. So, we agreed he would pick me up and I came home. Cactus still the same.
At 3 PM he came and we left. Cactus still the same. I went to have pizza, it was really good, I hadn't eaten there before, so now I know another good pizza place, and then we went to his house and stayed the rest of the afternoon on the couch watching movies on Netflix. A nice quiet evening.
At night he gave me a ride back home, and when I went in... my cactus had a flower already! Pink, bright and fully open... so I almost had a heart attack.
It was too dark to take a picture so this morning I went to have a look. Sure enough, the flower it's there, a bit bigger than last night.

I don't know why it grows taller instead of on the cactus... but it looks pretty. :D
I like it. I might keep watering it now, there's another coming.

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love, books

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