So the kids are out of school and daily driving me crazy :)
We've had our first vacation, camping at our property in Albany and camping in Old Forge with Grandma and Grandpa. That was pretty good except my husband was not at his best and I was PMSing pretty bad. The kids had a great time at the water park and no one got a sunburn!!!
Ben went home with my parents for an unexpected week with them. Then today we traded Ben for Libby and she is having her week at Camp Grandma!!
On other fronts I am trying to get everything together for a family of 6 to go to Pennsic... Wow that is a lot of sewing :) And then there is the stuff I want :)
What I have done for the kids...
Extra tunics that I made for some girls in another camp
While it looks like I have skimped on Kate's stuff, her bin is stuffed with 15 tunics hand-me downs... I think she is all set :)
Now on to my stuff, stuff for the hubby and a poor friend who found none of his garb fits... Good thing I was planning to make hi a few things any ways!