The most terrible horrible no good day

Feb 15, 2011 11:15

Let me tell you about the bad day I had a few weeks ago....

So... Jim did not put out the garbage can out for the guys to pick it up.  It has happened a lot lately so the garbage needed to GO!

First I go out to put out the can... it is frozen to the ground and I have a hard time getting it unstuck...

I get it unstuck, now the wheels on the bottom are all iced up and won't turn.    So I had to drag the can up the driveway... Did I mention our driveway had about 6 to 8 inches of packed ice and snow underneath the 4 inches of heavy wet snow we had just gotten that morning.  And it had gotten warmer and all that was turning into slush.  It was SLICK!

I get the can to where the van is blocking the driveway and I have to move the van 'cause I can't get the can around it and the snowbanks.  So I try to get the van out of the drive way... This takes... an hour... did I mention that it is slick? Jim has taken all the kitty litter with him and we have no sand, and only a little itty bitty carton of pet friendly icemelt that we use on the front steps... it sucks for melting ice by the way :)  I almost get the van sideways twice... I quit I'm not gonna get this van out of the driveway.  So I haul the garbage can between the edge of the van and the 4 foot snowbank.  It was not easy, the wheels are not turning.  The footing sucks and the can is heavy!

I get the can to the street turn look at the van kinda sideways at the bottom of the driveway... and say... I will NOT ACCEPT DEFEAT! WILL GET THIS DARN VAN OUT OF THE DRIVEWAY.  Finally after much swearing I get the van out of the driveway.

Then I look over at the mail box... it is snowed in... I go over and clear it out chopping all the ice away 'cause now that it is warm it is easier to do.  shoveling heavy wet snow is hard work....  Nice shoveled out mail box, our mail lady is a pansy if there is a snowflake in 6 feet she will NOT deliver mail.  Good... done with that.

Then the snow plows show up to do our cul-de-sac... Craptastic.... I run out and move the van from the street back into the driveway.   Then I run over to get the garbage can... and I fell... Get up drag the can some more then... I fell again.  This time I was near the back of the van and the corner of the garbage can smashes the rear tail light... You gotta be kidding me....

Now the guys are done with the street and I have a 2 1/2 foot berm of slush to move away from the mail box and the end of my driveway.. it sucks... So move all that snow.  Good cleaned out mail box and I am drenched in sweat.  Go into the house and while I was out fixing all the snow related issues the girls have given Stella a snack of milk and dog food / cat food all over the kitchen floor.... Stella is a good girl and cleans up the entire mess... YIPEE win for the day :)

Sit down to read the news... Get a call from school.. Ben spilled his milk on his pants can I bring him a new pair.  Fine, bundle up the little girls and go off to school and bring Ben some pants...  I am rewarded with grumpy nasty office ladies who's faces would crack if they ever smiled.  Fine, I officially hate my school and off back the car...

Kate is hungry, OK She's been good I'll take them to McDonalds.   On the way there the van starts making the worst sound EVAR... I am panicking that I just want it to get me home!!!  Get the little girls there food... on the drive home... the sound stops, second win for the day...

Get home, Kate is walking down the slick driveway and she falls down, scrapes her hands on the ice.  AND her happy meal falls out of the bag into the driveway.... LANDING IN A PILE OF OLD DOG POOP.  She could not have just fallen on the ice... or just fallen on the ice and dropped her food.. or fallen on the ice dropped her food and the food comes out of the bag... NO... THE FOOD HAS COME OUT OF THE BAG AND AND AND LAND IN A PILE OF POOP.

REALLY... REALLY!!! That is how the game is going to be played that day... THANKS UNIVERSE.   That sucked....

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