Back on Track

Jun 21, 2005 11:22

So here I am - Tuesday 11:22am - being paid $13.17 per hour (plus 4% vacation pay) to sit and read livejournals. In the boss' cubicle no less. It's funny because she's quite overweight AND diabetic - yet she has a cabinet full of candy. Some people like to tempt fate.

Anyways *grabs handful of gummy bears*, life is alright. Life is routine in truth but how can we complain? I'm reconsidering a program switch, though it is still a possibility. Sometimes it's just nice to remind ourselves that there are options.

Speaking of options *chews Caramels*, I'm giving up on Scott. Sure he's hot and he's a criminal (sweet combination), but I'm sick of being messed around. Normally I love the chase but this is no chase. Intentions have been established - now I'm just getting bored.

Mmmmm peanut butter cups...

I've been listening to Citizen Cope today and yesterday - >> Cope Radio. They are pretty good. I would recommend it. Especially if you are bored at work like me.

I'm thinking of getting weezer tickets just as a throw-back to high school. Sit on the lawn, smoke a joint, and all is well with the world. What better way to kick off my 20th year of existence? Let me know if you want tickets (they are $30).

I talked to a woman in the HBA Program's Office at Ivey today. I wanted to know about registering for courses at my appointment time, half-truthful, half-fishing for information, and she said they would be starting to let applicants know of the decision next week through until July 8th. I hope I find out sooner rather than later simply because I'm sick of wondering. I can either kick back and relax (admission denied) or kick my ass into high gear for osap/line of credit applications, buying a laptop, business suits etc. (admission granted).

Either way, I would just like to know.
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