Summer Plans

Apr 06, 2005 10:52

Just a brief update...This week has been a really good one so far. I was waiting for an interview for another Region of Peel job but they sent me an email offering me a position. Apparantly it is a boring job (my mom knows the supervisor) however
- I don't have to go through the awful interview process again
- it has a sweet title: Student Coordinator of Purchasing
- is still in my beloved Finance department
- it offers great pay
- and most importantly, the hopes of work emails commencing once again is restored

My classes are slowing ending over the course of this week. I always love the last class of the year because at the end, the professor says thank you, it's been an honour to teach you etc. and the students applaud. I don't know why I love that but it's just a good feeling. Like we've been watching a performance all year and can finally react.

The ESA held elections last night. Last year the room had been packed and I had made the decision to run for VP Finance. It was a great moment when I got it but at the end of this year I'd decided to give up the position to someone new. Next year I don't want to be as involved in the clubs system. Anyways, because of the lateness of these elections no one showed up to run and I'm still going to be on the exec with the guys next year. It'll be nice. My other plans for next year include buying a membership to the tennis bubble on campus. It's $99 to play all year so I think it's a reasonable goal.

Last night it was so warm out that Chris and I went for a walk downtown to Victoria Park. I bought a cherry coke and we talked. It was really nice. We went back to the house and smoked a joint - in my attempts at wiping out the twisted dreams I've been having.

Anyways I gotta run.

Only 20 more days...
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