Oct 15, 2006 16:48
Just played a bad ass show yesterday at the Hayloft, that went very well I'm very content w/how things went:). Still no luck in findin a woman tho but I'm still lookin. I just wish I had things other ppl had, its funny how my ex. gf shows more love and care for MY friends then me also. I don't get what I do wrong and I don't get how others get what they shouldnt and the ones that need it most get left w/nothing... I guess I'm just one of those ppl who get shit on all the time, which I know I am and I'm really to the breaking pt. where I'd just love to blow my head off but hey I guess im just bein a bitch eh? Yea I'm kinda freakin out becuz I'm just sick of how things have been goin. More bad has happened then good lately I guess you can say. Well I guess I better end this entry cuz well I know I won't get any girls actin like this haha.....ya