Oct 04, 2005 23:46
HA! today I got another chance to prove my lock picking skills once again. My brother Scott has a friend that use to have a roommate, but when she moved out she locked her door and took the key. So Estaban asked me if I could get into the room. One drive to his house and 10 mins later he had access to the addition to his apartment that was shut out from his access for over a week, and there was a cardboard box in the middle and the fan was left on high. lol
I got to see Ana today! Finally man... a week and 1/3 of waiting... and two weekends from now I will have to do it again! because she is going on a trip.. w/e I don't wana see her anyway! ;-) lol jk. I thought the whole once or twice a week was bad.. lol
Umm.. I think I got Karlee good and pissed at me because after I got off the phone with her I called Ana again to see if she could go back out and her mom wouldn't let her go out again because 'It was a school night' which was gay in a half. Then my mom asked me to go to the store.. so I went to a store... well one turned into a few and I forgot to call her back.. and she called me up on the phone and she was pissed that I didn't call her back and I made her a Jon wait.. oops sry guys. My damn ADD hit again and I got distracted.. I had full intention in calling you back I just got side tracked again. hope you can forgive me...