In case you've been wondering what Nishikido Ryo's been up to, here's something for you.
Well, he's been doing a lot of clubbing. Shocking, I know. And while doing said clubbing he's been picking up lots of women. *gasp! pearl clutch* And to top it all off he was was a jerk to one of them. Wow, who is this guy?! Oh right, he's the one who bit that chick that one time (allegedly).
A friend of a young woman who was picked up by Ryo explained to Tantei File what happened: "Back in March, Nishikdo came on to my friend at a club in Roppongi. They got pretty close while they were there and afterwards took a taxi together. He invited her to his house but when she said no, he kicked her out of the cab right then and there. *lol* She said he was he worst."
Haha, way to laugh at your friend.
According to the informant, Ryo said to the girl, "You're coming to my place right?" but she turned down the offer. Ryo got pissed and was all you're gonna tell me no after I invited you? and made her get out.
Oh, Ryo. He has such a way with women.
While Ryo was shooting his movie he went to the club once a week, but now he goes about three times. Lately he's been spending more time outside the VIP section hugging and flirting with the ordinary girls (meaning non-showbiz i would assume) -- who later accompany him back to his place. Apparently the tally of girls he didn't kick out of a taxi is no small number.
And so ends another chapter in Nishikido Ryo's Tales of Douche Baggery.