If you're a fan of KAT-TUN and/or Crystal Kay you probably know about "WONDER," the duet Akanishi and Kay wrote together. Rumor has it the song will be released to the public.
According to Tokyo Sports, they're gearing up to release the song within the year and have been preparing an "extreme" performance. They didn't go into details but mentioned embracing.
*gasp!* omghuggingwhut?!1
And what's a unit without a name? While it hasn't been decided, "Crystal Red" seems to be the favorite.
Really? Well, it's self-explanatory so they've got that going for them. I'm just glad they didn't go the Johnny route and use initials. JACK!
So, will WONDER really be released? Will Crystal Red really be their name? And will the duo sex it up on stage? Meh, it's Tokyo Sports so, no idea. But I think it'd be a nice change of pace.
Haha, if you google "crystal red" you will get car shrimp.