Three Things that Scare Me:
Snakes, Bugs, Death
Four People who make Me Laugh:
Lyndsey, Marilyn, Cole, Jim Carey
Five Things I love:
My Husband, My Family, My Friends, Jewelry, Ice Cream
Three Things I Hate:
Deer meat, being broke, liars
Three things I don't Understand:
Stupid people, Politics, Suicide
Three Things on my desk:
tape, digital camera, checkbook
Three Things I'm doing Right Now:
Watching the Fabulous life of Cameron Diaz, giving Cole some tape, this survey
Three things I want to do before I die:
sky dive and bungee jump, be financially stable, travel to other countries
Three Things I can do:
fold clothes, love, make my tongue do weird things
Three Things to describe my personality:
goofy, loud, cheerful
Three Things I can't do:
Be happy w/ myself, sing, diet successfully
Three things I think you should listen to:
your heart, your gut, ME
Things I say the Most:
That blows, I love you, Cole: clean up your toys
Three of my absolute favorite foods:
hashbrown casserole, ice cream w/ waffle cones, pizza
Three things I'd like to learn:
an instrument, to be secure w/ my body/self image, to cook better
Three beverages I drink regularly:
Water, coffee at work, Diet Seirra Mist
Three Shows I watched when I was a kid:
My Little Pony, Different Strokes, Full House