Germany was awesome. We covered four cities in 1.5 days, and it was just plain cool all around. There was good food, normal driving, and buildings that are not rotting from the inside out. That is really all I can ask for from a foreign country.
Only problem I had with this was that my mom brought up my interim grades. I knew she wouldn't be happy with the 4 in Spanish, but she wants me to get a 7 in everything.
"You want me to get all 7s?! So what, you just want me to give up sleeping and having any time to myself?"
"Well, yeah!" And that was quoted VERBATIM.
Y'know, I thought I was just completely and utterly out of my mind in 7th grade, but I guess I was right then--what my parents want out of me is not good grades while still having time to enjoy myself. They want me to get stunning grades even if it kills me.
So you know what, mom? If you really want me to get straight 7s? I will! I can, and I will! But when I'm going to be in a waking coma, in a permanent nervous breakdown, don't you dare pin the blame on anyone but yourself!
Thanks for giving birth to me, mom. Fuck you.
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