Oct 23, 2009 17:15
1) re: field trip -- GUH, Yorkshire. @_@
2) re: field trips in general -- I remember why I hate them. I'm constantly surrounded by spoiled rich kids who won't accept anything less than they're used to, and then whine incessantly about it.
3) Holy fuck is there really a new Code Geass series coming out?! Good sweet god! I really hope there is--but only if it's not going to be R3. I'd...actually really love to see a Nightmare of Nunnally anime. Or an AU. Or an alternate-R2 where they do the original plotline that they had to scrap.
E-even if it was R3, I'd watch it for the trainwreck.
4) on the train ride back home, I was wondering:
How did we figure out how to milk cows? It's not like some sort of ingrained instinct like other human actions. So, what, did generation after generation try out different methods of playing with a cow to see what it could do? Pull on its tongue to see if it would spit out vegetables? Tip it over to see if it would lead us to a pot of magical brownies? How did we figure out that pulling on the udders gets us a healthy liquid filled with calcium?
And, for that matter, how did cows get that milk out before we figured out how to get it ourselves? Did they...projectile shoot the milk out of the udders before it's about to burst? Did the baby cows bite the udders and suck the milk out? What if the baby cows were too short to reach the udder?
5) London Expo this weekend. 8D